Let's Build Patio Furniture!

Let's Build Patio Furniture!

You ever have an idea for a space but when you go to pick out the furniture it's like a gazillion dollars? Thats probably because you have champagne taste on a beer budget like me! LOL so sometimes you have to improvise. So that is exactly what I did! Once I made the decision to build my patio furniture the first thing I did was pick out cushions. I knew the look I was looking for so I made sure to get exactly what I wanted cause that's the whole point if I'm making it right? 

The cushions I ordered came from Wal Mart and they were 24x24". With those measurements in hand, I sketched out a plan and calculated a cut list after that it was time to build. I will say that this build was super easy and it's definitely a one day project unless you have A.D.D. like me LOL.



Circle Saw
Kreg Pocket Hole Jig
Waterproof Wood Glue
1 1/2" Kreg Screws
2" Kreg Screws
Speed Square
Wood Stain (color of your choice)
Furniture feet



This plan that I put together consisted of using all 2x4s. So, I started cutting all of my wood on my cut list double checking to ensure that I had all of pieces I needed for the sofa. Then I added pocket holes using my Kreg Jig.


Once I was done with all the cuts I needed for the sofa, I begin to construct the seating area. 


After the seating area was completed I then moved on to the arms. They only consisted of 4 pieces of wood but I ended up using some smaller pieces that I had to add a decorative look and boy am I glad I did! 

Once you have your arms and seating area built you're pretty much done! For the next step you will need to get someone to help you assemble the 3 pieces so that you can ensure everything is even. 


 With those 3 pieces assembled it should start looking something like a bed lol once you have your bed assembled you will then want to add your piece for the back support I also added a few more support pieces to the seating area and that my dear is when it will start to look like a sofa! 

Originally this was the complete build however I ended up adding a piece of 1/2” plywood to the seating area for extra support. 

Once you have your sofa assembled you will  want to give it a good sanding and stain the color of your choice. Add your sofa feet, cushions and wallah! 

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